Thursday, March 18, 2010

In the Journey

Sure, there might be enough else afoot to throw one's mind off it in these days... but above all, gang, it's worth recalling that Story #1 right now is -- well, should be -- that Redemption Is At Hand.

If you've got your ducks in a row to that end, congrats (and got tips?)... that said, this scribe still has his Lenten work cut out for him, and as the news-cycle hasn't really let up thus far into the 40 Days, this is the last possible chance to duck out, breathe and prepare (or try to) before Holy Week unfolds.

See, it's no longer formally observed on the calendar, but once upon a time, this Sunday would've seen the beginning of Passiontide -- in a word, the liturgy's "last call" to get one's act together before the Week of Weeks. It's a loss that we don't officially have it anymore -- it's just one example (among thousands) of the beauty and wisdom of a tradition that, in its awareness of human nature, knows us better than we know ourselves, including the occasional needed prod to get back on the path before this "acceptable time" runs out.

Ergo, aside from anything major -- B16's Irish letter on Saturday or something else of seismic, immediate import -- posting will be light, if not nonexistent, into Holy Week... because, no lie, if That above all else isn't the focus of these days, then, as the old saying goes, "Last one out, turn off the lights."

So... really... what's it all about, church? To offer an answer, here's the Cardinal of the South -- Galveston-Houston's own Dan DiNardo -- with a talk recently given in his local church... just not to his local church.

Some might recognize the venue from another recent prelatial address of some prominence. But before anyone thinks the product more of the same and tries to surf past, suffice it to say: 1. you don't know what you're missing, and 2. just watch... because if anyone else here could use a worthy intro to these blessed, intense Days to Come, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better jump-start than this:

Tip to The A.

To one and all, every blessing of these waning Lenten days -- and your prayers, please, as you and yours are ever in mind and heart on this end.

God love you lot forever... buona festa a domani and, for the long haul, as always, stay tuned.
